I’m Teresa. This store was founded on my love for Michigan and lakes in December 2016. I’ve struggled with writing this for weeks, because honestly, there is so much that I love and it has all inspired this store in one way or another and it all gets crowded in my head and I don’t know where to start. Let’s start with what I know.
I know that I love lake days and wildflower fields. I know that I have never and will never see anything prettier than the glittering sun dancing all over the lake on a summer morning. I call it "magic hour" (not to be confused with golden hour, which happens just before sunset).
I know that there’s nothing better than a cup of coffee accompanied by Gilmore Girls, Pinterest, a clear schedule, a nice lake view, or all of the above. I love a good dinner spread surrounded by even better friends. I love planning parties and getting people I care about together. I believe in living a life full of intention and peace, even if outwardly my life doesn’t always look like it (because really, whose life does?)
I grew up in Michigan. I’m also a Cancer, born a week and some change after the 4th of July, so I’m a water sign with the stubborn belief that there’s no better season than summer. I grew up on lakes, Higgins Lake to be specific, and although I didn’t realize it at the time, it shaped the rest of my life. I had grandiose dreams of leaving Michigan after college, but when it came time to leave, I couldn’t stomach the thought of giving up my lake.
There’s just something magical about lake life. The air smells different when you get there. There’s magic in the simplicity. There’s magic in the sparklers and s’mores and the way people gather without agendas. There’s magic in the stillness of the lake early in the morning. There’s even more magic in the leftover ripples on the shore as the sound of boat hoists echo across the lake at the end of the day. There’s something magical in the wiffle ball games and golf cart rides and water ski lessons. There’s magic in the family trips up north that span generations.
A Pleasant Peninsula is inspired by the magic you feel when you arrive at the lake. There’s no feeling like it, and I want to remind you of that feeling every time you use one of our products.
So look around, find your lake, and join the family.
"If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you."